Sunday, February 9, 2014

In Step with the Spirit?

A multitude of words running through my mind today - you have no idea just how good that feels ;)  I had the opportunity to celebrate a true servant this morning.  Her life exemplifies service to Christ and love for Him, thus service to others and love for them.

Back to the words:
Diligence, Longevity, Commitment, Endurance, Faithfulness, Cherish, Protect, Discretion, Treasure, Interested, Invested, Hope, Joy, Love, Self-control, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Dedication, Humbleness, Caring, Compassion, Intuitiveness, Life, Detailed, Pillar, Home, Helpful

These words and many more come to mind as I think of this lady and thus thinking of her then points me to her Lord, Jesus Christ.  Her life has been, is and will continue to be about Christ!  What a testimony and what a tremendous blessing!  She points to him in her moment by moment, in her every day life regardless of what is going on around her.  I am thankful for her example and the way she has pointed me and my family to Christ alone!  Do the words said about you and me point others to our Savior?

The Fruit of the Spirit, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control - Galatians 5:22-23

Look at Galatians 5:24-25 as well, Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  

To belong to Christ...
What an almost unfathomable concept and belong to Christ and yet if you belong to Christ you know it!  I do belong to Christ and yet I am guilty of often taking that very belonging for granted and not recognizing the strength and power that is available in my life due the very fact that I am His.  In considering this as a reality, not just as a statement I have read or a concept I have been told about, but a reality that I live in moment by moment, I have to wonder do those words listed previously that could be easily said about our Lord, apply to me?  What about you?  Are these words that describe our Lord an appropriate description for us?  Now we don't live our life, or we shouldn't, concerned with what others think or say and yet realistically if I am living like Christ then shouldn't I be described as like Him - faithful, diligent, forgiving, committed, etc.

I must consider, that in knowing that I belong to Christ, asking myself if I have crucified and still crucify the flesh with its passions and desires?  I mean, I will have to be honest and say it depends on the day or even the moment.  Sometimes I just get so carried away with my own thoughts, my own circumstances and my own desires that truly it takes a while for the Lord to get my attention and draw me back to Himself.  I am oh so grateful that He is always there though and He never abandons me or gives up on me.  He is constantly wooing and working, and drawing and returning me to Himself.  I belong to Christ Jesus, therefore I live by the Spirit and I have the opportunity to keep in step with the Spirit!  Awesome, isn't He?  What provision!  What hope!

I so want to live by the Spirit, to remember moment by moment that I belong to Christ Jesus!  I no longer belong to myself and my flesh with its passions and desires!  Yes, I must still battle as I live here on this earth and trust me when I say I know what it means to battle and yet what if I would continually submit to the Lord (all my thoughts and my desires) and allow Him to  create His Fruit in me rather than trying so hard to produce fruit in my own strength that is in actuality nothing like the Fruit of His Spirit, but more like a prune, or a lemon ;-/  You get me?  Am I pointing to Christ or to myself?  Am I pointing to His sacrifice and His provision or am I distracted by the 'things' of this world?  Something to think about anyway...

Father God, forgive me for not looking to You fully, but for being distracted by myself, by my circumstances, and my feelings.  Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me, for allowing me to truly belong to You.  Forgive me for taking this redemption, this salvation that You have provided for granted and for being distracted from You.  I need You to have Your way in me.  I want to learn those things that You are trying to teach me.  I want to surrender it all, the wrong thinking, the misconceptions, the self-centered ideas, the hurts, the pain, the wondering, the control, all of it, Lord, may I trust You more fully and completely today, in this moment, than I have ever before.  May I know what You would have me to do when it comes to crucifying my flesh and obey.  Open my eyes to see You and You alone.  Renew my mind and my passion to point to You.  May the Fruit of Your Spirit be evident in my life - especially in my home.  Forgive me for getting in Your way and for not trusting You fully, for striving and trying and wearing myself out because I have been doing so many things for so long thinking they were what You wanted, when really I was just trying to be in control. You alone know the whys and reasons behind this season...I want to know You more fully and walk in step with Your Spirit.  Please have Your way in me, Lord.

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