Thursday, October 31, 2013

God is never weary!!!

Isaiah 40:28-29  "Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  Yahweh is the Everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth.  He never grows faint or weary, there is no limit to His understanding. He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless."

I believe I have established that I know weary as a personal I am sure many of you do as well.  Weary emotionally, weary physically, weary spiritually, weary relationally.  How's that for encouragement to begin our time together ;-/  Weary to the bone.  Do you know what I am talking about?  Do you relate?  Weary of the fight to not be weary.  So weary.

Herein lies the hope...Our God NEVER grows faint or weary, there is NO LIMIT to His understanding.  Ah, sweet hope.  Sweet Jesus.  I am reminded to draw Him in like fresh breath and allow Him to be my hope.  Where do I put my focus?  You see we have a choice, one that doesn't seem so tough when it is written in black and white...but a very tough choice it can be.  Do I focus on my weariness...or on the fact that He never grows weary?  Seems like not much of a choice, does it?  I mean who wants to be weary and stay weary?  Apparently, I often do because I frequently make the choice to keep my eyes on my emotions, on my circumstances, on me!  Poor choice, certainly not the best choice.  Certainly not the choice that leads to strength and power.  Oh God, even in this moment, I am faced with the choice...give me Your strength, Jesus, to choose to focus on You!

How? When emotions are real.  When heartache is legit.  When pain is a regular part of your day. Begin at the beginning, with the Truth.  The facts.  Yahweh (The Great I AM, the LORD) God is the creator of the whole earth! He created all of and I included!  He can certainly handle our weariness!  The Word says HE NEVER GROWS FAINT OR WEARY!  Did you catch that word, never?  Wow, in never!  It is not even possible for Him to become weary! Whoa.  But there is more!!!  THERE IS NO LIMIT TO HIS UNDERSTANDING!  Again, catch limit! Unfathomable!  What hope stirs in me! He gets it!  He gets me! He understands it all!  Way more than we do...way more than we even think we know!

Wait!  It doesn't end there...with His strength and understanding.  Are you ready for this?  As if what we have discovered so far isn't rich beyond measure!  I am so ready...I am so in need...HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEARY AND STRENGTHENS THE POWERLESS!  SIGN ME UP!  Do you see?  HE GIVES!!!!!!!  He gives! What relief that brings, what hope that restores in me.  I do not have to earn it...contrary to what this world teaches...HE GIVES!  He gives.  Let that settle.

He gives...will I accept His giving?  Now, it all begins with Jesus.  "For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."  He is the Ultimate Gift.  Have you received His gift?  God, the Father, so wants to give Him to You.  You cannot earn it.  "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23.  All of us fall short...I am not a special case, nor are you.  All of us fall short...we cannot save ourselves.  Do not believe that lie, you know you can't.  I know I can't if we are honest with ourselves.  BUT...You can receive His gift of salvation...Romans 10:9 tells you how..."If you confess with your mouth,  'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved!  You will!  I have! Oh, please receive Him!  You will begin a journey of hope and peace like you cannot even imagine.  

You see He doesn't stop giving at salvation...I mean we know that, right?  But do we KNOW that?  Do we know it as a fact or as an experience?  I want to experience the knowing and not just once, but over and over again!  He is so awesome, it is what He wants too!  John 10:10b "I (Jesus) have come that (you) may have life and have it in abundance!"  Are you catching what I am catching?  God never stops at just what He could do, He goes way beyond "all we can think or imagine.' (Ephesians 3:20).  Thank You, God!  He gives, and gives and gives some more! It's His character, it's Who He Is!

Now back to the question...Will I accept His giving?  He promises to give strength to the weary and to the powerless AND understanding!  I qualify, do you?  Will you join with me in walking this journey His way and receive His gifts?  Will we have to make the choice more than once?  Yep, moment by moment...I mean it is either that or give in to the weariness that tries to take charge...moment by moment.  I am realizing, like right this minute, that I can choose to be overwhelmed with weariness or overwhelmed with His strength, His power, His understanding.  Does this mean the feelings automatically change?...they haven't for me.  Does this mean that the weariness just automatically disappears? hasn't for me.  But when I chose to receive what God has for me...I am not controlled by the weariness, by the feelings (now I have already explained previously how God has used medicine so clear my thinking, to lessen the emotions so that I can see Him clearly...go back and read it...because I'm not talking about when you have an physical illness that is preventing you from seeing past your emotions).  This is a spiritual choice that leads to physical freedom!  How do I know?  Because I have experienced Him!  I can chose to be controlled by Him!  Remember His Spirit brings life and peace, Romans 8:6.  Seems like there is only one choice to make... Are you with me?  Do you want understanding unlimited and strength from the One who created everything, who cannot become weary?  I DO!

Oh, God, remind us that You are ALL WE NEED!  May we submit.  May we receive.  When we forget...again, God remind us! You are all we need!  Thank You just doesn't cut it, but it's what I have...THANK YOU, GOD!

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