Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Student of His Word and Prayer

Wow, what a journey.

Truly it is so much better when I chose to submit to doing it His way.  Oh how I look forward to heaven one day when His way is the only way!  But for now I am determined to submit to Him and prayerfully I become more obedient than not. I am so thankful that He never leaves me to do it alone and He keeps His Word regardless of what I see or think I know.

Psalm 86 has become particularly meaningful to me as I have mentioned before.  I challenge you to read His Word and allow Him to speak to you and in turn speak His Word back to Him.  Use His Word as a catalyst for what You need to share with Him.  Communicate with Him, do not just speak at God, make sure to truly converse - share and listen.  There is nothing like knowing, truly knowing that Your Best Friend is Your Heavenly Father, Your Daddy, Your Healer, Your Comforter and so much more.  He is the very best of everything and He wants a personal intimate relationship with you and me!  Incredible!!  He is so good!!!

As I was praying through Psalm 86 He prompted me to share with You a book.  It is called "How To Pray...When You Don't Know What To Say" by Elmer L. Towns.  It has been a while since I read it, but He reminded me this morning that I need to continue in the principles that are set out there.  It is  book written about using the Lord's Prayer as a model for prayer, Matthew 6:9-13.  Mr. Towns states, "When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we don't leave anything out -- it's the most complete and comprehensive prayer that was ever given to us."  He teaches us how to use the components in prayer not to just repeat the words of the prayer but to make it our own.  Priceless.

Do we ever consider becoming a student of prayer and the Word as we do so many other things in life?  We put so much energy toward learning - intentionally or even unintentionally - for our jobs, for parenting, to be a good spouse, how to shop more efficiently, our hobbies, etc. But do we put forth that same energy to practice prayer and the application of the Word?  I do not; however I want to and I want Him to increase my want to.

Our relationship with Christ is the main thing that matters in this life and EVERYTHING else is to flow from that relationship.  And yet we spend less time on this endeavor of walking with Christ (even to the point that we think maybe it isn't all that important) and that the busyness of our lives should take precedence - our social media time, our time taking our kids to one event to the next, education, furthering our careers, even trying to love people in the Name of Jesus.  How can we do all of these things when ultimately we end up doing them in our own strength because we are not talking over and taking each part of our lives to our Father?  As Christ Followers end up burned out, disillusioned, unimpassioned, weary, disheartened, ineffective, isolated and on and on, thus giving place to the enemy and giving in to his goal to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10a NIV).  

I do not want this.  I have lived this.  I am still living this in many ways. And yet I cannot measure my effectiveness for Christ.  Not my job.  I am to continue in His Word and prayer and trust that He "has plans for me that are for good and not for disaster, to give me a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11 (NASB).  

Jesus came that I might have "life and have it to the full" (John 10:10b NIV).  And that I will "know the Truth and the Truth will set me free" (John 8:32 HCSB)  Remember, Jesus is the Word (John 1:1); therefore He is the Truth and He is the one to set us free.  I must know His Word and I must have conversation with Him to truly KNOW it (Him) as Life not just as knowledge.

Yep, a lot to say today! I hope if I say it enough I will truly hear it and walk in it!

Will you consider what I have shared and come alongside me to encourage one another to put more effort into walking this journey of life His Way?  Remember, He gave us each other.

Father God, I praise You for being my Daddy.  For making the way available to me through Jesus to come directly to You as One who sees me through eyes of grace, who loves me as a daughter and have delight in me.  Teach me to pray, Lord.  Help me to not only say that I want Your Will but to obediently do Your Will in the moment by moments of my day.  Help me to trust You in those moments rather than trust myself or what I can see.  Forgive me for so often giving in to my own wants rather than trusting You for what is best.  Forgive me for doing more talking than I do listening to You, for trying to figure out the whys and whats in life rather than taking that next step that You reveal.   Thank You that You have everything covered, all the time.  You are never caught off guard and You know exactly where I am today in every way.  You have all those that I love in Your hands as well and once again, I know I can trust You with them as well as myself.  Help me to forgive and extend mercy and grace out of the abundance of what You extend to me.  Remind me.  Forgive me where I forget and where I become self-righteous.  Convict me and enable me to repent with godly sorrow, Jesus, in Your strength.  I do pray that You will deliver me from the ways that I chose to not walk in Your ways and thus give in to the desires of my flesh.  Give me Your mind, Jesus.  Teach me to renew my mind and chose to think on what is noble and right and good.  Help me to have a thankful heart and to chose to rejoice in You.  Restore to me the joy of my salvation and help me to recognize that You, Lord, are my confidence.  I fall so far short, but I am so thankful that I cannot fall so far that You let me go.  Your faithfulness truly amazes me, Lord.  I love You and I ask that You would please help me to live as if I love You, that my life will be way more than words.  Please allow me to bring You glory, Lord.  Use me however You will.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

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