Saturday, October 26, 2013

He Will Make a Way

Isaiah 43:14a, 19 "This is what the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says,...'Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to the things of old.  Look I am about to do something new, even now it is coming.  Do you not see it?  Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.'"

Wow, isn't our God amazing! His Word is so rich! and yet I find myself so often doing just what the Israelites were doing in this season...trying to figure things out in my own strength - in other words rebelling!  I so often temper my own actions by couching them in softer words like doing things my way (rebellion), it is just my opinion (judging), I wouldn't do that (pride), etc.... Lord, please allow me to see my thoughts and actions for what they are and repent with a godly sorrow, to truly turn from my sin and not excuse it.  God, forgive me for so often seeking my own way rather than trusting You to lead me in Yours.

Back to the verse (Remember I am not a Biblical scholar, I am just sharing my own journey)... I love how personal and intimate our Father is with us.  The LORD (Yahweh, I AM WHO I AM Exodus cool to think of this introduction God gave Moses...tell them the I AM sent you.  I AM...He is, period!) This same I AM is my Redeemer (my Rescuer, He paid my ransom with the blood of His Only Son, Jesus - Do we realize how special, how important we are?) and He wants to be your Redeemer as well.  I am baffled by how much time I spend and have spent trying to redeem myself!  Oh, I have known for a while now that it is impossible for me or any of my actions to redeem me from anything, but it didn't stop me from trying.  What a waste, and yet my Father in His graciousness will not let anything, good, bad, indifferent to go to waste...He says that 'all things work together for the good of those who love God:  those who are called according to His purpose' Romans 8:28.  I am so thankful to Him for His promises.  I can trust Him to work.  I can trust Him because He is trustworthy, period.  He is the Great I Am!  He is holy, set apart, there is no one like Him!  He has got this life...this journey...He has got me!  He has got you!

He doesn't need me to try to redeem myself, to work so hard, to beat myself up...He is the REDEEMER, He is the I AM.  Did you notice that He is delivering the Israelites when they are rebellious?  They were not even attempting to seek God, or obey Him and He made a way to redeem them...He does the same for us today!  "While we were still sinners, He died for us!" Romans 5:8.  He seeks us, He does the work.  My 'righteous' works are as 'filthy rags' (Isaiah 64:6) because without Jesus I am not righteous at all, much less are my actions righteous.  "There is no one righteous, not even one." Romans 3:10.  Jesus is the Righteous One and He is the only One who can remove our sins and make us right before God.  1 John 2:1-2; Romans 5:19

Ok, so I have been having such a good time 'chasing rabbits' back to the verse in Isaiah ;o)))  Now to what I really wanted to get too!!!  I, hope that with me, you will determine that you will choose to not remember past events (other than to learn from them and hopefully minister to someone else from them) and beat yourself up for things you cannot change, things you did not understand until God gave you the clarity to understand.  Father, forgive me for spending so much time looking back in regret and beating myself up for things I could not control or decisions that I have made with knowledge from the moment.  Forgive me for not trusting in Your Sovereignty and Your promise that You have good plans for me, to prosper me and not to harm me. (Jeremiah 29:11)  For thinking that You meant these promises for someone else.  I remember clearly several years ago when You first showed me these verses in Isaiah 43 that I realized then that I need 'look' because You are about to do a new thing.  Forgive me for forgetting...for believing so many lies in the days that followed.  Thank You for reminding me, for bringing me back...I do see!  Please keep my eyes on You,  Jesus!

The Redeemer, the I AM says He is doing a new job is to allow Him to open my be willing to look, to surrender my desire to be in control.  Praise God, that He never gives up on me...that He continually seeks me and that He loves me.  He promises He 'will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.'  I am here to testify...even in the midst of some of my darkest times...He has been faithful and He does make a way out.  Can you imagine with me 'rivers in the desert'?  Do you know what it means to be in a wilderness, to be parched in a desert?  I think you do.  I do.  And yet my Father says He will make a way...and not only a way...but a river!  I picture a mighty rushing river...with beautiful abundance of water.  My Father overwhelms me with His abundance.  I can trust Him, that though the times in the wilderness will come, the times of being weary and worn whatever the cause, to make a way for me.  He will make a way for you too!  Don't give up!  Be willing to say, "I need help!"  First to your Father and then to someone else if need be.  Someone who will lead you to the Father and help you find His answers.  I promise He will provide!  The difficulty for us is waiting for His timing in His provision.  Remember this is a can take a long fact a lifetime...but if we are willing He will allow us to walk this journey His way in His strength.

If I can help you...pray with you...listen to you...share with you the names of my doctors...whatever...please give me that opportunity.

Father God, there are so many who are hurting...we tend to hide, to try to fix it own our own but God please help us to look to You first and then be willing to let someone else share our burdens.  Your Word tells us in James 5:16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed."  May we obey Your Word.  May each of us be willing to be that burden-bearer for another.  "Now may the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace in believing so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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