Tuesday, November 26, 2013

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19


16) Rejoice always!
17) Pray constantly.
18) Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 
19) Don't stifle the Spirit. 

Do you see the steps?  I love it when Scripture does this.  Everything needs to begin with rejoicing (to have joy in).  How can I rejoice always...by praying constantly...giving thanks in everything.

Some synonyms for rejoice are:  be glad, be overjoyed, celebrate, delight, enjoy, glory, triumph, revel.  I like the definition to have joy in.  How?  In looking at various commentaries and a sermon by C. H. Spurgeon, I will try to explain what I read and what I think.  

We can rejoice always when we have joy in Jesus.  When our focus is on Him.  This leads us to praying constantly which in turn feeds our ability to rejoice or have joy.  It was stated that our voice, our posture and our place for prayer doesn't matter.  We must realize that at all times we are able to pray.  God doesn't change.  He doesn't hide.  Because of Jesus we are able to talk with God anywhere and at all times...remember He tore the temple veil in to from the top to the bottom!  No longer must we go to priest or go to the tabernacle to pray.  We can go through Him.  He became our High Priest and made it possible for us to go into the presence of God because of His sacrifice, His blood!  Anywhere and at anytime!  Amazing!  Yet I take the ability to pray so for granted most all of the time.  

These verses are a practical way to live this life as a Christ follower.  These are actions I can take.  I can have joy in Jesus, when I look at who He is and what He has done and what He is doing.  When I go to His Word.

You say, pray constantly?  That isn't practical.  How can I possibly do that?  Well, it is an attitude of the heart, a choice in the mind to look to Him wherever we are and whatever we are doing.  By getting in to the habit of thanking Him for everything we are more and more aware of Him.  This is God's will for us remember?  To give thanks in everything in Christ Jesus.  He is the critical part.  Because of Him we can give thanks.  I have so much to learn in this area.  I would much rather change my circumstances or gripe than be thankful truth be told.  However, if I want to experience joy I must be willing to have a thankful heart and practice thanksgiving.

I don't usually go on to verse 19 but it says do not stifle (quench) the Spirit.  What?  Apparently we can.  How?  By being ungrateful, by not rejoicing and not praying.  Pretty heavy stuff.   We have so many opportunities in a day's time to be in God's presence, to recognize Him in our midst.  We must choose to get into the habit of rejoicing, praying and thanking.  What is the difference between rejoicing and thanking?  Well, from what I can see rejoicing is an inward expression of joy, a feeling whereas to go all the way to thanking means to then express appreciation, gratitude or appreciation, outwardly.  A synonym for thanks is praise.

So if we do not want to stifle or quench the Holy Spirit's work in us we must give thanks in everything because that is God's will for us.  This in turn allows us to pray without ceasing and rejoice always.  Then start again...it cycles!  Rejoice, pray, give thanks and we will allow the Spirit to work freely in and through us.  He then causes us to rejoice, to pray, to give thanks...

So I worked on this post yesterday as I knew my morning would be busy and as you can probably guess I am struggling with being thankful today!  Oh, I am thankful enough for the things that come easy to me, but I sure am struggling with that always, everything and constantly!  Shocking, I know. Time for my 'money to be where my mouth is,' huh???

I am just going to get with on it rather than talk anymore about it...

Father God, I thank You that You are my Father.  I thank You that each and every moment of my life I am Yours.  I am so grateful to You and for You.  Thank You that You gave me this new day, I am struggling to be thankful for the mornings that always come :-) but I am going to give it a try!  Thank You for the morning.  Help me to see the new opportunities in it.  I am thankful that I have a bed to sleep in, I just don't like to get out of it!!!  I see that I have a lot of choices to make regarding thankfulness.  Thank You for opening my eyes.  Ok, here goes.  I am thankful for the opportunity to get up early, fix breakfast and lunches for my girls before they go to school.  I know that I will only get to do that for a little bit longer and I need to recognize the blessing in that.  Thank You for the season of getting to sit on my couch and get into Your Word and share it with others.  Thank You for the change that You are working in me.  Thank You for the hard things too, You know the struggles, the issues of today that I must still address.  I thank You that I do not have to handle any of it alone.  Thank You for the gift You have given me in Mark.  Thank You for his love, godly character, his hard work and wisdom in providing for us, for the great husband and dad that he is.  Thank You for drawing us closer and helping us grow in You and in placing each other first, after You.  Thank You for the opportunity to be parents to such wonderful kids, a son and two daughters.  May I be able to convey the love I have for them in ways that they can receive it.  May I find ways to show them and Mark how much I appreciate them.  Thank You for words.  For Your Word.  Thank You for Jesus! and for Your Holy Spirit!  Thank You for the medicine that You have provided for me and the two doctors that really care and understand as well as love You.  Thank You for this voice and chance to blog.  Thank You for friendship.  Truly.  What a gift.  Thank You for the laundry, dishes, meals to cook, vacuuming, etc...as for me that means family to care for and share with.  I need a little help really meaning that one, Lord.  I'm not so great a cleaning, I'd rather share words and time with others!  Thank You for indoor plumbing and a hot shower.  Heat and plenty of blankets.  I am really thankful for the fact that all my words don't get on Your nerves and that You are always ready, willing and able to communicate with me.  Thank You that You never tire of me and You never turn Your back.  Thank You, God, for my little dog, Snickers, the companionship and comfort that he gives.  Thank You for this nervous feeling in my stomach that tells me to follow through and obey what You have told me to do today.  Thank You for the ability to read and the love I have for it.  For the ability to be friendly and smile at someone today.  For crocheting.  Thank You for allowing me to be used by You.  Forgive me for struggling so with praying and thanking You.  Help me to grow in gratitude and look to You moment by moment.  Help me to take my eyes off 'the things' because that is not where my thankfulness lies, it is on You and with You.  

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