Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Process & Progress

Progress - a movement toward a goal or to a further higher stage; advancement in general; forward or onward movement; to grow or develop, as in complexity, scope.
Some synonyms of progress:  breakthrough, build up, growth, improvement, journey, motion, passage, ongoing, process, stride, step forward, way, unfolding

Process - a systematic series of actions directed to some end; continuous action, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner.
Some synonyms of process:  action, advance, development, growth, practice, progress, trial, unfolding, working

These words are on my mind today.  I am such a 'processor', I don't even know if that is a word in the context with which I mean it, but it is what I am.  Although I am not very systematic about anything - LOL- I do have the continuous action down pat!  I think, overthink, study, figure, stew, think, then think some more, believe me it is as exhausting as it sounds.  However, with the strength, mercy, grace and love of the Lord, well His faithfulness, His hope, His peace, too ;) I am making progress.  I am and I will continue to process with His help!  Praise God!

I am sure you have realized by now that this blog is for me, I mean I totally process and talk to myself and the Lord here.  Seems strange to me sometimes and yet I am so blessed by the opportunity.   Here's the thing, my process, my progress and your process and your progress cannot be measured by anyone's standards other than the Lord's.  Not even my own, or your own.  Does anybody know what I mean?

He knows my heart!  His Word says He knows it better than I do!  I am so glad because sometimes I don't think I know myself at all!!!

Well, Psalm 13 seem applicable today...David's heart cry for deliverance... This is the process of my progress everyday lately, it seems.  Maybe it will encourage you.

1  LORD, how long will You 
continually forget me?
How long will You hide 
Your face from me?
2  How long will I store up
anxious concerns within me,
agony in my mind every day?
How long will my enemy 
dominate me?
3  Consider me and answer, 
LORD, my God.
Restore brightness to my eyes;
otherwise, I will sleep in death, 
4  my enemy will say, 
"I have triumphed over him,"
and my foes will rejoice 
because I am shaken.
5  But I have trusted in 
Your faithful love; 
my heart will rejoice in 
Your deliverance.
6  I will sing to the LORD
because He has treated
me generously. 

Father God, Your Word says it best.  I know You do not forget me, but when I feel like You do thank You that Your Spirit reminds me that You are still there.  That Your Word is Truth!  That You accept me God, all the time...whether I am angry, hurt, disappointed, or disappointing, and difficult.  When I try to do things in my own strength, or let my emotions have their way, still You love me, You accept me.  Yes, You correct me and for that I am grateful as well.  Thank You that the TRUTH is I am acceptable because of JESUS and only because of JESUS!  I want to live in the freedom of this, the victory and assurance that this means for me!  I do ask You to forgive me for railing against You, for fussing, whining, griping and yet I also thank You that You can handle me and all my emotions!  Forgive me for once again trying to get through on my own strength, only kind of checking with You, not really submitting or listening; more like a headstrong determination to fuss at the injustice of 'it' all, the 'hurt' etc...  WRONG FOCUS.  A WASTE OF TIME!  This is where I am so frustrated and You are reminding me that You are not displeased, disappointed and You will not turn Your back on me!  You are reminding me that I can have Your peace, I can trust in Your faithful love!  You are delivering me and even if it is a process with progress that others may not doesn't matter!  You understand.  You care.  You have and do treat me so generously!!!  Forgive me for allowing the 'anxious concerns' and  'agony of my mind' along with the enemy/the accuser to dominate me!  I chose to submit to You, to resist the enemy and trust You to make him flee.  May I continue to rejoice in Your deliverance!  I am experiencing it and I am experiencing Your peace.  Forgive me for allowing my flesh and the enemy to steal that from me.  I want to sing to You, LORD.  To have bright eyes that shine for You regardless of the circumstances around me!  You are mighty to save!  You are my defender, my deliver!  You, Jesus, are my salvation!  Thank You for walking with me through the valleys, the pain and planting my feet on the solid ground of Your Word.  Change me!  May I submit, may I obey!  

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