Monday, December 2, 2013

ABUNDANT LIFE, seriously!!!

In doing the study guide for "Classic Christianity" by Bob George, some truth has come to light for me, quite literally to life.  This book and guide have taken me on a journey into the Word that I would highly recommend to anyone!

Before I jump into the Word look at this quote, "From God's point of view, the problem of man is not just that he is a sinner in need of forgiveness; his greater problem is that he is dead and in need of life" Bob George.  

God told Adam in Genesis 2:17, 'but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.'   So we know that the serpent then deceived Eve, read Genesis 2-3, convincing her that it she would not die and she would become like God, knowing good and evil,  if she ate the fruit.  So death actually came in many forms that day, death spiritually, eventual death physically but most importantly the death of the intimate relationship between God and man.  

Look at Romans 5:8-11, But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!  9) Much more then, since we have now been declared righteous by His blood, we will be saved through Him from wrath.  10) For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life!  11) And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.  Does this excite you???  Look at this...Believe it...Accept Him!

While still sinners Christ died for us
We are declared righteous by His blood
Saved through Him from wrath
Were enemies then reconciled to God through the death of Jesus
Rejoice in God through Jesus Christ through whom we have receive reconciliation!!!

What is the gospel?  1 Corinthians 15:3b-4, "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures."  Why am I going back to this?  Well look...

John 10:10b, Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."

Another statement by Bob George, 'Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, and resurrection is the restoration of LIFE!'  

So I realize this may be obvious to most but I have realized that I have been on a journey with Christ that is less than abundant most of the time.  A journey where I have allowed the enemy to deceive me into thinking that I have to do more, be more, etc.  Oh, I had the answers in my head, but in my heart, through my actions, for myself, not so much!  I feel hard into the trap of thinking that I had to work, that it was about me, that I am just a sinner and to really accept His forgiveness surely I had to be more repentant, something.  I heard a lot about abundant life, and I even had glimpses of it, but mostly my journey has been one of pressure, of thinking things like, I know I can't measure up, I mean the Word tells me that, but because I know the Truth shouldn't I chose to live with joy, to chose to have peace, still it has been all about me!  Does anybody get this?  I was that person who would not allow myself to truly experience the abundance that Christ has for me because I was sure I needed to do better, act better, talk better, etc...  What a lie from the enemy and what a waste of time allowing him to accuse me and defeat me!  I was only believing part of the gospel, that praise God, Jesus died for my sins;  but He did so much more than that (Rom. 5:11), He also rose from the grave to save me by His life!  To give me life!  Abundant life, today, now, not just on that glorious day when I finally get to go to heaven!!!

This excites me!!!  I finally get it!!!  I am reconciled to God because of Jesus, today!  I have an intimate relationship with God now, I do not have to wait, I certainly cannot earn it, but I can walk in the truth of it!  Such joy I have never known!  Such peace!  It isn't just for me!  You can have it too!  We can walk in this life VICTORIOUS!  Life around us may never change, still there is sickness, fights, people who misunderstand, judge, we still make mistakes, we won't be perfect until heaven, I mean we know this right?  But do we really know this?  I always thought I needed to be the exception, I mean I know better than to say hateful things right, I know I am not supposed to hold on to anger, I need to forgive, I must love my neighbor, I even need to love myself...right???  That is the wrong focus!!!

That focus makes life about what I can and cannot do!  I cannot do anything!  I am unrighteous, I am dead; without Christ!  It is His life, His Spirit, His gospel that is bearing fruit and growing (Col. 1:6), not my works.  'There is no one righteous, not even one' (Romans 3:10).  'By grace, not by works; otherwise grace ceases to be grace' (Romans 11:6).  Remember, I am declared righteous by Christ's blood, never my works!

Do you see it, the subtle deception of the enemy?  He convinces us that we should know better.  He whispers things like, do you really think God can forgive you for that, I mean you did it on purpose didn't you?  You have done it before.  What about the thought, shouldn't you feel forgiven, I mean if God has really forgiven you, shouldn't you feel forgiven?  He is the accuser, he will do what ever it takes to cause us to live life less than abundantly!  He cannot take away our salvation but he certainly can try to remove our joy, our peace, diminish our effectiveness for Christ.  That is why we must KNOW THE WORD!  Know it, believe it and accept it!  Exchange all lies for the truth of His Word!  His Word is all that will last, all that will stand in the end! (Matt. 24:35)

We can live life abundantly with Christ!  We can!  How do I know?  Because I am!!!  Is life still hard?  You better believe it!  Some things probably will never change in our journeys but WE CAN!  I CAN AND I AM!  BECAUSE OF CHRIST!  TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD!  Come along with me for the ride of your life!  This Journey His Way is a journey like no other!!!

For years I have tried to read more, to be godly, to pray more, to change who I am, all the while thinking that is what God wanted from me.  NOT TRUE! That was pride (often masked as low self-esteem), that was thinking I had some control, that I had something to offer Him even as I knew in my head that I didn't, I still tried!  Deceived!  He wants me to surrender!  To submit! James 4:7-8a, says "Therefore, submit to God.  But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."  But in verse 6 it says, "He gives greater grace.  Therefore He says:  God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  To allow Him to work, to allow Him to give me life!  It isn't life one little breath at a time!  He has given me complete life in Him!  He never does anything halfway.

Remember Romans 5:8-11... MUCH MORE THEN...  He didn't just die for me while I was a sinner (I mean no question that I am a sinner), He declared me righteous by the blood of Jesus and I am SAVED BY HIS LIFE...what?...NOT ONLY THAT (I mean really isn't that enough?)  But God, He is just amazing, He is always able to do more than we can ask or imagine, Ephesians 3:20.  Not only being saved by His life, I have received reconciliation with God!  I am no longer God's enemy! Because of Jesus I have relationship with God!  I am no longer dead in my sin so why would I want to continue to live as if I am!  That is the deception!  The enemy does not want us to know that we have abundant life!  He can't do anything about the fact that we have life in Christ, but he can sure try to distract us, get our focus on ourselves, on our lack, on our circumstances, even get us to only believe part of the Word and miss out on the whole truth.  He wants our focus to be on anything but on Christ; because it is in looking to Jesus and Him alone can we experience that abundant life, NOW!

I had better stop, but oh it is so hard too!

Please, if you do not know Christ, let Him become Your Savior, Your redeemer, Your life!  If you do know Him, join me on this Journey His Way a journey of abundant life in Him!  His Grace is amazing!  His Faithfulness is great!  He wants to have that kind of relationship with each of us!  I mean He did give His One and Only Son just to make a relationship possible!  

Father God, thank You for opening my eyes to the fact that I have been missing abundant life! Trying to still walk this journey on my own terms.  Forgive me for my stiff-necked, stubborn pride.  My unwillingness to take You at Your Word, to really believe that what You say is truth, period!  Forgive me for attempting to fulfill Your law all the while knowing it isn't possible!  Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me!  For never giving up on me!  You have shown me much through the years but never before have I known this level of freedom!  Your truth has set me free!!!  Help me to 'continue in Your Word' and continue to know the 'truth' that will 'set me free' John 8:31-32.  Such joy and peace I have truly never known!  I am so sorry for not listening!  I look back and see where You have attempted to get my attention over and over again, forgive me!  Thank You for Your promise of forgiveness, 1 John 1:9, that I do not have to live in regret.  My life is all about You!  You provide the victory, You provide the righteousness, You provide the forgiveness, the grace, the mercy, the ability to obey, the strength to submit, everything!  Your Holy Spirit lives in me and teaches me all things (John 15:26).  Help me to remain in You and allow You to produce Your fruit in me because I can do nothing without You, John 15:4-8.  Help me to get up from this place and keep my eyes on You.  When I begin to stray or get distracted I pray You will get my attention, remind me that I have abundant life in You, not in anyone or anything else, especially myself.  I need only look to You.  I need only please You, You will take care of everything else.  Thank You, God!

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